Coachella Valley

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Find a hotel

Hotels by class
5 stars 12
4 stars 78
3 stars 125
2 stars 53
Unrated 2312
Accommodation type
Villas 250
Hotels 223
Resorts 60
Inns 12
Motels 12
Aparthotels 10
Holiday parks 7
Guest houses 4
Homestays 3
Campsites 3
Lodges 2
Hostel 1
Luxury tent 1
Thematic Hotels
Jacuzzi 1225
Airport hotels 1104
Luxury accommodations 942
Private Villas 530
Resorts 481
Golf hotels 159
Casino hotels 112
Business hotels 96
Hotels with indoor pool 93
Boutique hotels 68
Romantic hotels 32
Self Catering 16
Small Luxury Hotels 16
Historical hotels 6
Castle Hotels 3
New Hotels 2
Hotels with a view 1

Hotels by location

Living Desert Zoo Gardens 60
Big League Dreams Cathedral City 67
Agua Caliente Park 177
Palm Springs Stadium 535
Cathedral Canyon Country Club Cathedral City 87
Tahquitz Creek Golf Resort Palm Springs 135
Palm Springs Air Museum 280
Castle City Indio 199
Coachella Valley Recreation 166
General Patton Memorial Msm 154
Indio City Parks 112
Universal Technical Institute Indio 212
Fantasy Springs Casino Indio 89
Gamma International Indio 89
Chapman University Palm Desert 85
Camelot Park Family Entrtn Cathedral City 85
Cathedral City Parks and Rec 64
Century Park 32
Desert Cities Real Est School Cathedral City 76
Desert Memorial Park 31
Panorama Park 43
Perez Business Park-Mony 71
Downtown Palm Springs 167
Palm Springs Uptown 119

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